Welcome! Here you find games that will support you in transforming the world …. it´s a community of people who will be available to do this by your side.

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  • Oasis Game

    Oasis Game

    The Oasis Game is a tool to support citizen mobilization for the realization of collective dreams. Composed of players and communities, the game considers a broad definition of community that involves diverse actors, such as residents, NGOs, local government, leaders and companies. Designed to be freely used, and practiced in a totally cooperative way, so that everyone together can achieve something in common, Oasis proposes rules that allow everyone to win, without exception.

  • Path of Expansion

    Path of Expansion

    In this path of expansion, you can choose between four circuits to take next steps on your journey, which last 6 months and are available for you to take this forward on your journey, according to your purpose, passion, time and interest.

  • E-mpulse Game

    E-mpulse Game

    The E-mpulse Game calls for social initiatives with local solutions for global challenges and is for those who want to bring their initiative to a next level.

  • Yes Path

    Yes Path

    The Yes Path is an online game played through actions in real life that stimulate innovation, creativity, and cooperation rather than competition. You have to go through five stages. On each level there are four different paths to follow, which are identified with keywords. You can choose one that has more to do with you or one that challenges you. At the end, you will realize that your way of transforming changing the world begins as soon as you take the first step https://youtu.be/Mu-UHrmboJs

  • The Abundance Game

    The Abundance Game

    The Abundance Game is a road map of actions to develop a simple and efficient fundraisingproject. It was developed from a fundraising handbook to support the GSA participant in the search for partnerships that would enable their participation in the program, but it is useful for everyone who wants to get an idea of the role and face the challenge of financial viability .

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