Geração GSA is an immersive experience that supports the development of adolescents who are between 14 and 17 years of age in a way that’s practical, fun and in community. If you have questions about life or have ever thought of changing the world, come learn, hands-on, how to develop your potentials and change realities.
Dates for 2025
Immersion: July 23rd through 30th, in Santos/Brazil
2 online meetings pre-immersion: June and July
2 online meetings post-immersion: August and September
Get to know your emotions, your potential, your limits and discover the best way to express them in the world to craft a fulfilling life.
Experience a safe collective environment, enhance your capacity to listen and connect to diverse people.
Get your hands dirty to make dreams come true, experiment with a social methodology and be the protagonist in a collective action.
Learn through being in contact with nature and the ancestral knowledge from the land, and connect to your own natureza.
for us to get to know one another, clear our doubts and pack out stuff
20 to 30 adolescentes living in community, putting their talents at service to create change
to make sense of the experience, integrate learnings and open up for next steps
In the journey, it is included the 8-day immersion in Santos, SP, Brazil, arriving on the morning of the 1st day and departing on the afternoon of the 8th day.
The package includes:
– Accommodation for 7 nights in a shared bedroom with bathroom;
– daily: 3 meals and 3 coffee breaks
– the whole pedagogical structure of the programa, including facilitation and material;
– transportation logistics during the immersion.
In the program, it’s also included 4 online meetings, being 2 before the July immersion (between May and July), for preparation; and 2 after the immersion (between August and September), for integration.
The program fee does not include:
– transportation to the lodge, in Santos, at arrival;
– transportation from the lodge, in Santos, towards home;
– personal expenses that participants might want to have are not included (such as purchasing items and the GSA faire or extra food at the community).
The investment to participate on the 2024 edition of the programa is R$5,000.00 (Brazilian Reals)
We want to make possible the participation of a diverse group of adolescentes, therefore we offer payment facilitations, such as splitting the amount in installments, as well as scholarships. Therefore, if you really want to participate but money is a challenge, talk to us filling out the form below.
Social justice and diversity are fundamental values to us and Geração GSA seeks to contemplate as much people and reality diversity as possible coming together for a common purpose. We work hard so that each and every family that identifies with the program and demonstrate commitment to the development of the current generation of adolescents can participate.
Scholarships will be awarded to people who are engaged and interested in Geração GSA’s purpose, following social justice criteria and prioritizing people from territories, skin color and cultures that have been historically marginalized.
If you’re interested in the programa and needs a scholarship, reach out to us filling out the form below.
We connect people, communities, governments and companies to learn together and work towards the best world possible.
Rua Marechal Hermes 37
Boqueirão, Santos – SP
+55 13 3326-4478
Your contribution takes social education to young leaders and communities worldwide.