We are a social education organization that strengthens people's ability to transform their reality

Katró, GSA 2022: Transforming realities: the contribution of hip hop to a just Angola
This article was voluntarily translated by Israel Caravallo, a member of the Elos Translation Community. I’ve always dreamed of a just Angola, where everyone has

The Re-evolution of Dimas Reis
Dimas Reis is like river water, in an agitated movement towards an ancestral future that he constructs with his chest, heart, and hands. He exists

Aline Bento: why it is important to support social technologies that are sprouting in the territories
This article was voluntarily translated by Israel Caravallo, a member of the Elos Translation Community. Creativity and efforts, alone, tend to be insufficient for the

Elos research shows that women lead transformation in the territories, but remain unsupported
This article was voluntarily translated by Izadora Silva, a member of the Elos Translation Community. “For me, knowledge is only valid if it is meeting

Priscilla, GSA 2014: ‘Dream is the technology that brought me here”
This article was voluntarily translated by Antonio Oliveira, a member of the Elos Translation Community. Leia em português aqui. GSA 2014, Priscilla Pereira is an
Learn to transform is what moves us
“The Elos Philosophy gives us a vision of unity,
equality, companionship, and all of this
and all of this helps us in our daily lives, whether at home, at work, in traffic, with friends,
endless situations.
For us the best method is to perform together

projects with foundations, institutes, and ONGs, associations

partnerships with government, including international agencies, federal government, ministries, state governments, secretariats and city halls

works directly with private companies.

Rodrigo Rubido, laureate of the Eliasson Global Leadership – Tällberg Foundation – for Elos’ performance in solving 21st century global challenges.

PHOMENTA’s Certification Seal, with 94% approval in the areas of Governance, Social Impact, Transparency, Financial Responsibility, and Sustainability.

In 2010, the Ministry of Culture considered Elos a Notorious Knowledge organization for its work with community mobilization;

Elos Institute is recognized as one of the 100 best NGOs in Brazil for its management and resource transparency, in a pioneering initiative by the Instituto Doar and Época Magazine.