Katró, GSA 2022: Transforming realities: the contribution of hip hop to a just Angola
This article was voluntarily translated by Israel Caravallo, a member of the Elos Translation Community. I’ve always dreamed of a just Angola, where everyone has
This article was voluntarily translated by Israel Caravallo, a member of the Elos Translation Community. I’ve always dreamed of a just Angola, where everyone has
This article was voluntarily translated by Izadora Silva, a member of the Elos Translation Community. “For me, knowledge is only valid if it is meeting
This article was voluntarily translated by Antonio Oliveira, a member of the Elos Translation Community. Leia em português aqui. GSA 2014, Priscilla Pereira is an
At the age of six, Myrian Castello watched it on TV: in 2025, the planet’s water will run out; it was a despair.It was necessary
Leia este artigo em português aqui. Lea este artículo en español aquí. This article was translated by Antonio Oliveira, a volunteer participant in the Translation
This article was translated by Izadora Silva, a volunteer participant in the Translation Community at Instituto Elos. By saying that, Mirian points out a request
This article was translated by Izadora Silva, a volunteer participant in the Translation Community at Instituto Elos. The origin of the word utopia is Greek
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