Oasis Capão success in the first stages

by Ana Avelar e Renata Laurentino

We are part of the newest generation of Warrios Without Weapons; we took part in the program last july. When we thought we’d go back home to rest and assimilate everything we lived in an intense month we received spectacular news: we were invited to facilitate an Oasis in Capão, a neighborhood in Garopaba, Santa Catarina. O Oasis Capão is an initiative of  Evoluos Foundation to stimulate local development in the community.
We just came back after applying “THE GAZE” and “THE AFFECTION” during an amazing expedition. We all have fears and cautions at facilitating the Oasis Game for the first time, but they got dissolved in the conversations, hugs, smiles and histories we found in our path. We also had a pleasant surprise: the company of Thais Polydoro on this first contact with the community. She was a great inspiration in the way she relates with people, with her experience she supported us to make our relationships more harmonic and true.  Thank you Thais your presence was SPECTACULAR!

The community warmly received us and moved us by sharing their precious talents.We’ve learned how to weave hats with the butiazeiro straw, fishing nets and manioca flour … A traditional culture hidden in modernity reveled itself.

We ended up the expedition with a “story circle” with representative of different generations and “tribes”, forming a net of memories and knowledge, which will continue to be woven in the next stages of the Oasis Game.

In October we’ll be back in the community for the Talent Show and to find out the dreams of the community.  We’ll keep you informed and if you want to participate and follow OASIS CAPÃO, like our page in Facebook:
Our kindest regards,
Ana and Renata





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