by Virgílio Varela*
One day the city woke up full of people looking for things. They spoke of things that existed in abundance in the community, asked the residents for their talents and smiled after each question. The community was confused, especially the adults that didn’t understand what was going on. The children talked and talked and took them to all corners of the city, as if to validate the knowledge they had.
Then the next day the same people showed up to ask about dreams. Those who had forgotten how to dream responded by saying they didn’t have dreams and that it was something they hadn’t done for a long time. But because the people asking had the twinkle in their eyes of someone who likes to change the world, smiles on their faces and did not accept “no” as an answer, the people responded and soon the sound of an orchestra of dreams began to arise. Once the orchestra was in tune in the most beautiful sort of way, the people asking the questions and the community turned the dream into reality – a dream full of flowers, inspiring words, perfectly combined colors, scraps of wood transformed into new tables and chairs… and at the end of the day, when the sun was just about to dip below the horizon, everyone danced to “Alma” a song by the Brazilian musician Zelia Duncan which when translated says “Soul, let me touch your soul, with the surface of the palm of my hand.”
The Oasis at Casa da Boba was a unique community experience and happened because the community took to the streets to dream.
The Oasis game took place during the month of September 2012 with the participation of 27 young people, community leaders and social workers.
The initiative was part of the Hub of Social Innovation EDP Foundation program.
Click here to read the text written by Andreia Marques>>